Lose Weight By Eating Dairy

Lose Weight By Eating Dairy

Have you heard about the milk diet? This diet is becoming popular for its promising results. Try this 4-week milk diet for weight loss.

Milk contains fat and fat is bad for health. We all know this and which is why most of the people who are on weight loss cut down milk products from their diet. But the buzz about milk-based diet for weight loss has made us think again. This diet is becoming popular for the health benefits it holds if followed as advised. If you are trying to get slim and fit into your small-sized clothes, give a shot to this diet. Here is a four-week milk diet plan that may help you achieve your weight goals.


Milk diet is a diet plan where the person has to consume only and only milk-based products for a long time. This may be for days or weeks, as per the nutritionist’s recommendation. This might trouble your health as too much milk may trigger digestive issues which is why it needs to be started under proper guidance. Also, giving up food and consuming only milk or milk-based products is difficult in the initial days and in fact, a lot of experts do not allow complete elimination of food as this would create a nutrient deficiency in your body. Thus, instead of completely stopping food intake, increase milk consumption.

What Might Happen If You Stop Eating Dairy

To achieve long-term results with a milk diet, it is necessary that you follow it properly. Here is a diet plan for four weeks that interested people can try to cut down their weight, but only after consulting a dietician or doctor.

Along with following this milk diet, you also need to do a lot of exercises to burn calories as extreme calorie-deficiency is the only way to lose weight. Eat healthy as per the chart during this period and you’ll definitely shed substantial weight.

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Can A Dairy Free Diet Help You Lose Weight?

This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.I quit dairy for a month to lose weight. Here’s what happened I went dairy-free for a month to see what this new diet fad is all about. I wasn’t disappointed! Read on to know why, ladies!

Let me begin with an honest confession here: I plead guilty of probably leaving no diet trend out of my list of hit-and-trials regardless of how unhealthy or unsustainable the diet was. All of these would end up falling flat every single time with me almost fainting, losing my hair, and struggling with fatigue as well as crankiness all day.

The result? New-found respect for the power of a fresh, homecooked, balanced meal. That being said, the adventurous streak in me still takes this for granted and I end up trying out a new fad every once in a while. But this time, the trend that caught my eye wasn’t quite a very challenging one. I am talking about giving #quitdairy a try.

Unwanted Weight Change

After all, for someone who survived on just fat and protein for months, or simply on fruits and vegetables for a week of detox, just eliminating milk, cheese, curd, and all things dairy was supposed to be a cakewalk, or so, I thought.


But one successful month of steering clear of it and I can definitely say that it was the wisest diet decision that I ever made—thanks to these changes that happened in my body within the first month of going dairy-free:

Firstly, my favourite part: I dropped inches Surely quitting dairy sounds easy-breezy. But when you have to actually make food choices, you realise that you can no longer enjoy cheesy pizzas/burgers, cold coffee, flavoured yogurt, homemade lassi, a cup of chai in the chilly weather, ice creams, puddings, creams, or any paneer dish.

Best Dairy Products For Weight Loss

So you choose your food options wisely which results in cutting down a lot of extra calories and well—your fat intake too! Touchwood, it worked to my advantage and the jeans started getting looser.

The weight dropped too Weight loss and inch loss are two different things, you know. Usually, you should concentrate on the inch loss. But who doesn’t find the weighing scale needle swinging to the left motivating?


I think, I will credit it to the fact that quitting dairy relived me of bloating and some very unwanted water retention.

Are You Really Lactose Intolerant?

Nope, I ain’t just assuming this. Apart from the fact that I woke up with a flat tummy every morning and felt lighter, what strengthened my belief in dairy causing bloating is a study published in the

That revealed the fact that not everyone has the ability to digest a protein called A1 beta-casein present in milk and other dairy products. This can lead to digestion problems like an upset stomach, bloating, and diarrhoea.

My case wasn’t so bad when I used to drink milk because I am not lactose intolerant. But sparing the digestive system that much hard work worked well for me, perhaps!


Amazing Health Benefits I Discovered When I Ditched Dairy

And I felt more energetic than before Since my digestive system no longer had to work so hard in digesting the dairy protein, my body saved on some energy as a result of which, I felt energetic and active throughout the day.

This is because the cow milk we usually consume contains the cow’s hormones. Plus, all the extra hormonal injections given to dairy animals to boost their milk production have a part to play here as well. Together, these can throw our hormones out of whack and cause acne and breakouts.

PMS became bearable Maybe it’s too early to attribute the betterment of my premenstrual syndrome on quitting dairy because I’ve just had one pain-free cycle ever since I went off it. But maybe, cutting out milk and the extra hormones from it had a part to play.

How To Lose Weight While Eating Gluten And Dairy Free

So, clearly, giving a chance to this one trend of going dairy-free worked out well for me! If you’re someone who likes to follow diet fads in the hope that at least one of them will work, give this one a try. I promise you won’t be disappointed.


About the Author Sonakshi Kohli Twenty kilos down and struggling to maintain the weight loss by preaching healthy eating, while eating unhealthy every now and then. ...Read More


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