Lose Weight In Hot Tub

Lose Weight In Hot Tub

Like working out in the gym, going for a run, or even doing aerobics, plunging into your hot tub for a 15 to 20-minute soak can lower your blood sugar levels, and reduce inflammation in ways that are similar to an hour-long workout.

If you’re looking to leverage the power of your hot tub to attain your weight loss goals, then keep reading. In this article, we give you the skinny on soaking yourself slim!


Seems obvious, but losing weight is all about eliminating body fats. From cutting back on sugar and starches to lifting weights, burning more calories than you take in is generally what’s required to keep the belly bloat at bay!

Can A Hot Tub Make You Lose Weight?

While it’s true that cardio workouts will get your heart working harder, to torch those unwanted calories, thankfully there are other ways to lose weight without too much physical exertion. And it begins with your hot tub!

Seems strange, but it’s true! A daily soak in your hot tub can help you lose weight, even if it’s in an indirect way. If you weigh around 150 pounds, you can normally burn up to 17 calories or .005 pounds of fat by simply submerging yourself in your hot tub for 15 to 20 minutes.

However, you would need at least 125 days of 15-minute soaking sessions in the morning and evening to lose one pound of fat.

How Many Calories Are Burned In A Hot Tub?

When you do this in combination with your weight loss plan it can lead to a big difference on the scale, and help you stay focused and motivated on meeting your weight loss goals.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the best way to create weight loss goals is by focusing on your process goals along with your outcome goal.

Process goals determine how you’re going to achieve your goals. For example, a process goal might be eating five helpings of fruits or vegetables a day, walking 30 minutes a day, or drinking water at every meal.

Fact Or Myth?

When you immerse yourself in your hot tub and enjoy the full-body massage from the hydrotherapy jets, it encourages the release of dopamine that melts away worries and stress.

It also promotes an alert mind and a healthy body, which are important to losing weight and staying on track with your goals.

A study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutritionfound that, on average, sleep-deprived individuals ate 300 more calories per day than individuals who consistently got a good night’s sleep.

Hot Tubs Vs. Sauna Health Benefits

If you find yourself struggling to get to sleep, a relaxing 20-minute soak in your hot tub could be the tonic that you need for a deeper, uninterrupted, and more peaceful sleep.

So, there you have it! By using your hot tub on a consistent and daily basis, coupled with a good night’s sleep and a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce stress, lose weight and stay focused on achieving your weight loss goals. Now that’s what we call a win-win!


Are you looking for an outdoor hot tub? Perhaps you’re in need of hot tub supplies. Why not visit Aqua Paradise or call one of our hot tub stores today?

Sticking To Your New Year's Resolutions

Youre making progress! You have access for your delivery, your electrical is in, now its time to prepare the foundationfor your hot tub. If you

Its looks like you have successfully determined that you could get a hot tub without a crane.  Since you weren’t 100% sure on making the

So you’re looking for a new hot tub? Sometimes it is hard to figure where to start for your project. There are a couple thingsWith more and more of us striving toimprove our wellness through increased exercise and an improved diet, people think of many creative ways to lose weight. Many of these techniques are not scientifically proven and some can evenbe dangerous. Sitting in a hot tubdoes not give much direct weight loss benefit, in fact only 3% more calories are burnt in a hot tub vssitting on the sofa but the wider benefits can compliment your fitness regime, recovery and improve your wider wellness to indirectly support yourweight loss journey.

How To Lose Weight In An Endless Pool

Physical activity and exercise will be at the heart of the majoirty of weight loss regimes. Whether this is spin class or taking up a new sport, your muscles are bound to feel the effects, especially if you are new to a certain exercise or haven't excercised in a long time. AStudyfromSwedish Scientistshasproven that hot water can be a great way to recover from exercise instead of the more traditional and known recovery methods of icing or cooling muscles. Hot water also increases bloodflow, which can stimulate recovery and relax muscles. An article from The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research in 2015highlightsthat heating and cooling after exerciseboth offer great benefits to muscle recovery but heat actually offers small advantages over cooling. This debate and study is ongoing as we all look for the best way to recover our muscles but the great news is that there is evidence to support strong muscle recovery from hot water therapy, meaning a hot tub can be a great way to support your physical activity or weight loss regime.

Whilst hot tubs don't offer too much directweight loss, another great indirect supporter of weight loss is de-stressing. There is a hormone in our bodycalled Cortisol, which has been labelled the stress-hormone and it can really impact a person who is trying to lose weight. High levels of cortisol has been linked to stress eating, areduction in muscle building and it can lead to increased body fat. A hot tub can be a great way to de-stress with the immersion in hot water and targeted hydrotherapy jets relaxing your muscles, slowingbreathing and therefore reducing cortisol levels in your body.


Being tired can significantlyimpact a weight loss routine, as training times may decrease due to a feeling offatigue as well as some studies suggesting thattired individuals are more likely tooptfor fattier foods. Lots of Happy Hot Tubs customers find a 15 minutes soak helps them improve sleep. By relaxing muscles and relieving pain for a period before bed, you set your body up for a long nights sleep, which rests your muscles and helps aid physical exercise and eating habits. This does not work for everyone but is certainly worth trying if you are a hot tub owner.

Weight Loss: Hot Water Bath Better Than 30 Minutes Of Walking

During a weight loss journey, a reward goes a long way and what better reward than a soak in a hot tub! A hot tub can really change your routine by reducing thetime spent in front of the TV and using devices. After a hard fitness session or a long week at work, rewarding yourself with a long dip in your hot tub will help your muscles recover, de-stress you and promote general wellness.

You may wish to use the buoyancy of hot tub water to perform some physicalacitvity and this is a great idea! Buoyancy reduces the impacton your muscles, helps increase blood flow and also works as natural resistance. For those reasons, Yoga is a great form of exercise in a hot tub- check out this infographicto seesome of the poses you could perform in your hot tub. You could also try the following exercises:

As with any exercise, check with your doctor and make sure you stay hydrated, especially in a hot tub to replace thefluids lost to increased sweating and a raised body temperature.

How Many Pounds Can You Sweat Off In A Sauna?

Even if they are not directly beneficial, hot tubs are a great compliment to your weight loss journeyor fitness routine.For ultimate fitness in the comfort of yourown home, our range of Endless Pools Fitness Systems offer swim capability and even extras like an underwater treadmill to really put you through your paces. If you are looking for a great quality hot tub to improve your general wellness routine then check out our rangeof Hot Tubs.The trend of seeking alternative methods for weight loss has led many people to wonder if a hot tub benefits weight loss. Although it's a relaxing and enjoyable activity, the connection between hot tub use and substantial weight loss is currently under investigation and not yet fully established.

In the quest to achieve healthier weights, many individuals are exploring diverse methods beyond the traditional path of diet and exercise. One such approach is the use of hot tubs.


This method has gained popularity due to the relaxing nature of hot tubs and the theoretical potential benefits associated with passive heating. This comprehensive guide will take you through a scientific journey of understanding the relationship between hot tub usage and weight loss.

Health Benefits Of Hot Tubs And Hydrotherapy

Hot tubs can contribute to weight loss, but the impact is minor. The body cooling itself down in response to heat burns some calories. This amount is small compared to active forms of exercise, and the direct impact on long-term weight loss is limited. Hot tub use can offer other health benefits, indirectly supporting a healthier lifestyle conducive to weight management. 

Passive heating refers to raising the body's temperature without active physical effort; hot tubs are a source of such heat, which is why people often refer to it as hot tub weight loss. Here's how the process works:

While this might lead to

Hot Tub Benefits Weight Loss: Unpacking The Facts


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