Why Do You Lose Weight After Period

Why Do You Lose Weight After Period

Do you ever feel like you’re doing all of the right things to lose weight, but the numbers on the scale or the fit of your clothes tell you otherwise? Maybe you’ve been sticking to your usual nutrition plan, but still feel weirdly bloated and you’re 2lbs heavier… It happens to the best of us.

There are about 107 reasons why your weight and body composition fluctuates (okay maybe not that many, but there are quite a few). As coaches, there are some key questions we can ask to get to the bottom of weight fluctuations.


If you’re a woman, you probably already know how your menstrual cycle affects you. Every woman has a different experience, but I don’t think any of us would say that it’s fun. You might be thinking, “Duh, I feel super bloated and angry at certain points during the month and I want to eat every cookie in sight. What else do I need to know?” You may be interested to know the reasons why your cycle affects you and what you can do about it.

Period Weight Gain

If you’re a man, first, congrats for sticking with me and reading this far, but also, you may think this post has nothing to do with you. I’d say it does. Chances are, you know at least one woman (safe to say, you probably know multiple). Maybe she’s your wife, your coworker, or your client. Knowing what she goes through on a monthly basis is:

Keep in mind that the days listed in the diagram are generalizations, as some women have longer or shorter cycles and experience ovulation on a different day (2). Taking fertility drugs, hormones, or birth control pills can significantly affect hormone levels and cycle length.

I’m afraid there’s not a simple answer to that question (sorry guys and gals). What we can say is that significant weight gain is unlikely during the period itself. Yep, you read that correctly. We need to look at the big picture of what happens throughout the

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Long story short, a fluctuation of about +/- 5lbs can be attributed to a woman’s monthly cycle at several points during the month.

Estrogen levels increase before ovulation (midpoint of the cycle), then drop down during the beginning of the luteal phase (after ovulation, before the next period).

As estrogen levels decrease during the luteal phase, progesterone levels increase, leading to another increase in water retention. By the time the period starts, estrogen and progesterone levels drop back down and water retention decreases with each day.

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Theoretically, estrogen and progesterone can lead to water retention, but practically, women may feel a bit differently. Some research suggests that women can perceive water retention to be the greatest during the first day of their cycle (3).

Water retention can be one reason for weight fluctuations, but it’s definitely not the only reason. And, now we know that weight gain due to water retention is unlikely during the actual period itself. So… what else is going on?

Progesterone has a couple of other noteworthy effects that may affect bodyweight. This hormone can affect how the smooth muscles of the GI tract function and lead to constipation, which increases feelings of fullness (4).

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On top of making you feel constipated, progesterone can increase appetite and cravings for foods like sweets, salty foods, protein-rich foods, and yes…chocolate. I wanted to do my best to avoid clichés in this post, but the research doesn’t lie (5). If you’re a woman who experiences cravings during this time, try not to beat yourself up. Keep in mind that cravings can be a key part of natural, biological drives. Progesterone is highest during the luteal phase, or the time after ovulation, where an egg could potentially be fertilized and implant itself in the uterine lining to grow. (Your body is telling you it needs more fuel!)

The period starts (aka the luteal phase) and refers to a host of symptoms like mood disturbances, increased cravings, bloating, and weight gain.

Changes in mood and energy can affect food choices and activity level. While one skipped workout or a bowl of mac and cheese won’t make you gain a pound, patterns that lead to a

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Calorie surplus might. (Remember, since 1lbs of body fat contains roughly 3500 calories, it takes a significant weekly excess to cause weight gain.)Over the years, I have worked day in and day out with women in terms of helping them lose weight. Many, many of these clients whether it be online or in-person, have stuck with me for a long time and when you develop relationships like that we got to know each other.


This gave me plenty of data and analysis, combined with just being in rhythm with these clients to go away and study how the Menstrual Cycle will affect your ability to lift weights, lose weight and do all things fitness.

It was a topic I was really passionate about developing my knowledge on and learning more about, so I could coach my clients through it that little bit better. However, there was a problem.

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Upon researching it some more, it felt like the information out there still didn’t break it down quite well enough. It would talk about how

Which is nothing we didn’t already know, but when it came to distinctly draw the parallels between your Hormonal Changes over a standard 28 Day Cycle and how that will directly affect how you are responding and able to manage this alongside your goal to lose weight…the internet started to fail.

This one-stop-shop article is designed to help you understand how your Menstrual Cycle really can work for you, and against you when it comes to losing weight, how you can manage that to keep adherent to your goals, and the science that dictates the management for you.

Do You Lose The Weight You Gain On Your Period?

I am not a Doctor. I am not a Medical Professional. I am just a Personal Trainer who wants to help you, and these are my findings. At all times I would fully recommend seeking Medical Advice if you have any major concerns about your Cycle.

As I am being so very generous at this time, it would be awesome if you could say thank you. byway of becoming my friend.


As your friend, not only will you get the opportunity to ask me anything in the world, but I promise to keep showering you with gifts to help you with your fitness.

Rapid Weight Loss And How It Affects Your Period

Some of them will be very helpful, some of them will be very funny and some of them may be inappropriate - but that's what friendship is all about - isn’t it?

For me, it all started with a client and a Podcast. Like a lot of what I do. One of my clients was infuriated at me for not recognizing that she definitely does require more calories on and in the lead up to her Menstruation, compared to the rest of the month.

And although I was wholly understanding of her desires, I didn’t fully understand how much it correlated until I listened to the James Smith Podcast on Female Physiology and how it affects Fat Loss in Female Clients. James, it would appear, had much the same experience as me, and he was generous enough to put his research out there, for us all to learn from.

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So what I am about to tell you, is inspired by him, interpreted by me, and backed up by science and the work I have done with female clients for 5 years.

As a woman, you have an incredibly intricate Hormonal Profile that acutely impacts what you can and cannot do both in terms of lifting weights, and of course, how to adhere to a diet. You have 4 different profiles every 28-day cycle.

The only way you will be successful and sustainable in fitness is if you enjoy what you are doing, and ladies, that means working with your body rather than against it.


Why You Have Fat Days

Oh and this is an article relating to the way in which your cycle quote “should” unquote be working. I am fully appreciative of different conditions that affect the cycle; PCOS to name one, Menopause as another, or external factors affecting your cycle like the Contraceptive Pill.

These all would require a different article…which I will write…so what I would ask is the following: try to adapt this information to your own circumstances, and if you have any further questions then email me on adam@

This part of your cycle has a secondary phase inside of it as well which is Menstruation which occurs typically at Day 1 to Day 5 of your cycle.

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During this part of your cycle, you may experience cramping and may feel quite uncomfortable, despite the fact you may be wearing pads and/or other sanitary items to help with the bleeding.

During Week 1 your dominant Hormone is Oestrogen, which is a hormone that your body uses for Bone Strength, Regulating your Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, and maintaining Cholesterol Levels. In a nutshell, it’s useful and is a good thing to be aware of.

Many of my friends who I work with by coaching them online have reported different experiences during this

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