Can You Get Hypnotized To Lose Weight

Can You Get Hypnotized To Lose Weight

Weight loss hypnosis has become very popular. This is reflected, for example in how many celebrities seek out hypnosis to shed a few pounds (see info graphic).

It is also reflected in media reports on weight loss by hypnosis. This article featured in The Cut is just one example of many success stories out there.


I have dedicated this brief article to looking ta how weight loss hypnosis compares to other weight loss programs. I will explain the philosophy behind hypnosis for weight loss so that you will be in a position to decide for yourself whether or not the approaches used in hypnotherapy for weight loss appeal to you.

Lose Weight With Hypnosis Online

This article is also the starting point for a series of articles on hypnotherapy for weight loss to answer some other questions you may have. You will find links for them at the very end of the article. But before I send you of in other directions, allow me to talk you through the basics.

Hypnosis is often seen as a last resort. Many people who decide to lose weight through hypnosis have tried losing weight with other programs before. In fact, many may have been in and out of other programs for years. Often,   negative experiences they have with other weight loss programs are ultimately what brings them to hypnotherapy.

Do any of these experiences sound familiar to you? If so you may be ready to hear about the very different approaches used in weight loss hypnosis.

Is Hypnosis An Effective Treatment For Weight Loss? • Dr. Quintal & Associates Counseling Center

When dealing with a complex problem like weight loss I think it's always advisable to come at the issue using two or  maybe even three interventions together.  Expect to change your life style somewhat, your nutrition, how you deal with stress and emotional problems. Thankfully, hypnosis supports you in making sensible lifestyle changes.

Working with hypnosis will help you look after your mindset, motivation and determination, it will help you to deal with food cravings and with any underlying emotional issues that caused the weight gain in the first place. Hypnosis will make it easy for you to stay calm and focused in the face of major changes you are making in your life, and over time it will produce a profound sense of well being.

Expect to include gentle and consistent exercise into your lifestyle. Used on its own, exercise is unreliable for weight loss, but when we look at the overall scheme of things it is of course good for your body and health to get moving. Go walking, swimming, do yoga- take up any physical activity you like. Do it gently, give yourself time to adopt it into your life.

Hypnosis For Weight Loss: A Revolutionary Approach To Weight Loss Through The Secrets Of Hypnotherapy. 2 In 1 (hypnotherapy For A Better Life Book 5) Ebook

It is self evident when I say that some sensible dietary changes can and will help with weight loss. Rather than just reducing portion size, you might consider other dietary interventions. Start checking the labels of the foods you buy in the supermarket. educate yourself around hidden sugars and the many different names used for them on food labels. That is a good starting place.

You may also consider changing your nutrition in more fundamental ways. I will never recommend doing drastic diets that promise weight loss over a short period of time.  Always choose sensible and balanced, dietary interventions and take your time with losing weight to go easy on your body.

There are some dietary interventions that people use successfully to lose weight. One of the better interventions I have come across is the keto diet which some of my clients have used successfully alongside hypnosis to lose weight.

Hypnosis For Smarter Weight Loss

Keto is a complex system and many myths about it prevail. If you are considering it, go to a reliable source for information. Here is a great website  that I have checked out thoroughly, written by an expert on this dietary system, and this particular article will help you develop a ketogenic diet plan.

Hypnotherapy is often portrayed as unscientific. In this article I have  gathered the available scientific evidence that backs weight loss through hypnosis as a valid and valuable treatment...

This article advises you as to what you can do in order to get the best out of your treatment if you have decided to lose weight through hypnosis. Some of this is bound to surprise you...

Could You Lose Weight By Hypnosis?

Find out if weight loss hypnosis is suitable for you, what the underlying issues may be and what to expect from a program of hypnosis.


Gastric band hypnosis has become a popular alternative to actual surgical intervention. But does it live up to expectations? Find out what it does and what results you can expect.

It can be very daunting to look for a practitioner of a therapy you have never tried and heard mixed things about. Let me hold your hand with some sound advice...

Feel Great And Lose Weight Hypnotherapy Package

Find out what benefits self hypnosis for weight loss has on offer for you compared to conventional weight loss programs and compared to attending weight loss hypnosis.

I hope this article has helped you to gain an understanding of how weight loss hypnosis works, and has helped you to see whether or not hypnosis may be for you.

(1) Mewes, I., Stich, A., Habermüller, M. S., & Revenstorf, D., 2003. Weight reduction by hypnosis and behaviour therapy. Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin, 24, 499–512.

Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis By Guided Meditation

(2) Bolocofsky, D., Spinler, D. and Coulthard-Morris, L., 1985. Effectiveness of Hypnosis as an Adjunct to Behavioral Weight Management. Journal of Clinical Psychology. January, 1985, Vol. 41, No. 1.

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In this article I have compiled the most prominent benefits of weight loss through hypnosis so that you may get an idea if you may want to give the treatment a go.

Weight Loss Hypnosis: Powerful Self Hypnosis, Guided Meditations & Affirmations To Lose Weight And Burn Fat. Increase Your Self Confidence, Self Esteem, Change Your Habits, And Heal Your Body & Soul!

Many of my weight loss clients have told me about negative experiences with other weight loss programs that used weigh-ins as a means of trying to motivate participants to lose weight. Often, stepping on the scales in front of a group can have the opposite effect to what program leaders intend.  

Weight loss clients have often been struggling with their weight issues for quite some time, and are acutely aware that they are overweight. Many may, in fact, weigh themselves at home regularly if not obsessively in an attempt to gain control over the situation.

Pointing out their exact weight to them in front of a group can, therefore, be a shaming experience rather than an encouraging one. This holds true especially if it is hard for them to follow the program at the prescribed pace.

Weight Loss Hypnosis: Powerful Self Hypnosis, Guided Meditations & Affirmations To Lose Weight And Burn Fat. Increase Your Self Confidence, Self Esteem, Change Your Habits, And Heal Your Body & Soul! Ebook By

Weight loss by hypnosis does not use weigh-ins. In the hypnosis world, we don’t believe weight loss is about the exact numbers. Rather, it is about an overall goal to re-gain control and to change direction in your life at your own pace while allowing you to keep your privacy about your exact weight. 

Many weight loss clients who have tried other weight loss programs before they came for hypnosis describe feeling under pressure by diet plans and calorie counting. Some describe that they were not able to stick to those prescribed plan and ended up falling behind, resulting ultimately in feelings of shame and failure.

With weight loss by hypnosis, there is no counting of calories. There are no prescribed targets or diet plans, instead you are encouraged to put your own plan and targets in place.


Is Hypnosis Beneficial For Weight Loss?

The basic underlying premise in weight loss hypnosis is that your mind plays a very big role in the weight loss process. Therefore, your mind is supported in coming back to healthy eating patterns that sustain you, and at the same time allow excess weight to fall off.

Being treated as an individual leaves you independence to lose weight at your own pace, the freedom to eat what you decide to eat and to make your own unique plan as to what is right for you to do to lose weight.

Clients who have attended other weight loss programs before hypnosis often talk to me about weight loss products that some other programs rely on. More often than not their experience is that a dependency on the product is being set up.

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While they use the product, they do experience some weight loss and once they stop using it, they gain weight quite quickly and then they are back where they started. Some even gain more weight than they had previously.

There are no weight loss products involved in weight loss by hypnosis. Here, you can lose weight naturally, and at your own pace. This is an important benefit to you because it brings out your own internal resources for losing weight and step by step you will learn that ‘you can actually do this’, resulting in feelings of confidence and self worth.

Have you ever dieted and felt a sense of loss when you couldn't eat x, y or z? Have

Weight Loss Hypnosis Hypnotherapy


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