Why Am I Not Losing Weight On My Treadmill

Why Am I Not Losing Weight On My Treadmill

Ever taught why you are dieting but NOT losing weight or your weight is always ups and downs even you are exercising? Have a look a this and think for awhile. Is it same like what you are doing now?

1. Exactly! If you are keeping those excuses in yourself not to do what you are supposed to do, you never gonna see any changes. Results need a hard work. You need to WORK ON IT, not by WISHING or COMPLAINING about your own weight.


2. Control your portion. It is always the key. Trust me. If you keep eating in a big portion, you never gonna win a war with your own mentality. Even though you are exercise and workout right, but if you never control your meal, it is not gonna be happened. As you know, to burn those extra fats, you need to make sure your food intake calories is equal or less than you burn. Even though you are eating healthy, but is your portion right??

Weight Loss Vs. Fat Loss: How To Tell The Difference

3. Stress is always connected with food. When you are stress, you will find a food to comfort you. Change it! Cortisol is a hormone that release when you are stress. You are not hungry, but your body just need food as to ‘protect’ yourself from feeling more stressful. Don’t be fooled by your own body. Try to drink water if you feel stress or do some exercise or things that you like (except eating of course) to avoid you from eating.

4. Do some research on food that you are eating right now. Don’t depends on one or two articles. Try to search more to make sure what you are eating is right. Breaks those false notions. At the same time, you can get a useful knowledge for your life and understand more why some food is not good to consume.

5. Everybody is different. Some people cannot survive without carbs, some just cannot have protein in their diet. Discovery your own diet nutrition. Understand your own body and discovery what diet is suitable for you. Cut those processed food, junk food and of course fast food in your life. Always remember to ‘Eat Smart, Eat Clean and Eat Healthy’. and trust me, it is not gonna be a temporary diet, it is a change of lifestyle. A better you in a future and never ever feel down if you are slow in your progress. As long as you know you are doing it right, a slow progress is still a PROGRESS. Quitting is not gonna do anything towards your body. Never Give Up!

Weight Management: A More Sustainable Approach

6. Do some exercises. Work your body! Workout is very important to keep our metabolism high even when we are resting. Don’t you want that? It is better to have a high metabolism because it will help you in a long term process instead of dieting alone. Make it as your habit and you are gonna see some changes in your body. Instead, you gonna be more healthy! 

7. Make sure you never skip your meals. Take your breakfast, lunch, dinner and even your snacks. It is good to eat 3-5 times a day ( which is 3 meals and 2 snacks) to keep yourself from starving. Starvation will lead you to take larger portion when you take your meal. Drink more water and snacking ( not a junk food, obviously). Keep your metabolism high.


8. If you are a person with high percentage of body fat, check your diet and exercise. Try to consume less carbs and high in proteins. It is because carbs will eventually convert to sugar and excess sugar leads as excess fat which you really want to avoid. But don’t totally cut your carbs to zero because your body needs carbs as energy source. Take it in moderation and find it in a wholegrain food such as wholegrain bread or rice or even fruits. Lack of carbs can lead you to ketosis . (Elevated of ketone level in body). Exercise to your limit! Challenge yourself! Make sure you are drenching in sweat and feel those soreness. Get that satisfies feeling after you’ve done a hard and very good job workout. feel the endorphines .

Surprising Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight Fast

9. Water is really important for our body. It helps to burn those fats and detoxifying your liver and thus keep your body fresh, energetic and healthy! Always remember to drink at least 3 liters of water everyday and never ever feel burden to go to the toilet. Yes, you gonna go to the toilet almost 50% of your day. Hey, it is a good sign! Why need to store those toxins in your body??? Love yourself by drinking water.

10. Again, Love yourself. Find the reasons why you do this at first. Is it for to look good? to have skinny body? To show to the world? Your own satisfaction? or you want to be the healthiest person in the world? What ever it is, Do It For Yourself and trust me you will be more happy towards yourself and you gonna love your new you. If you ever feel down or want to give up, remember your determination. Get it right and put your strong willpower to the maximum!


I am also in a process of understanding myself and keeping it on track. I am still in a journey to be a better me and hopefully what I shared here is useful to other especially you. Let’s get through this journey together and support each other. We Can Do IT!

Why You're Not Losing Weight: The Real Reason

Throwback to the year 2020 of 6 days warded moments in UM Specialist Centre. When the doctors did not even have a single clue and thought it would be due to Endometriosis. 😌 Hotel review part 3! Room tour at Momo's KL! A minimalist hotel that you will love 💕 perfect for solo traveler. Below RM100. I managed to grab RM79 per night via the @airasiasuperapp ! #hotelreview #staycation #hotelinKL #minimalist Minimalist hotel review in KL part 2! Follow for part 3! Stay at @stayatmomos ! #hotelreview #staycation Minimalist hotel in KL! Hotel Review part 1. Follow for more! #hotelreview #staycation #hotelinKL Gulai Kelapa Ikan dia ni memang sedap! Aku siap tambah nasi. 😂 Ikan masak fresh. Boleh order Kepala Ikan, Ekor, atau Belly/Diamond. Harga semua ni termasuk air, RM53. Sambal Belacan dia mantap sedap habis. Ulam dia pun tak kedekut kira. Ambil je banyak-banyak. Nak masuk ke sini dari bandar memang ke dalam betul. Hampir 1 jam juga. Pening kepala.😂 Bila datang Penang tapi dah bosan dengan nasi Kandaq, hampa mai datang sini, pekena sekali. Ouufffff ~ 📌 Hussain Mee Goreng. Masak guna arang ya. Kata orang Pulau Pinang makan sini. 👀 ada isi sotong juga. Cuma maybe dari segi kebersihan tu boleh fikir 2-3 kali juga. 😂 Sebab dia masak laju dan nonstop. Ada je order masuk. #PenangTrip #PenangFoodie #JJCMYou’re working out regularly, eating healthy and still not seeing results or losing weight. Or maybe you were seeing amazing results and now you seem to be stuck at a standstill. Either way, you’re frustrated because you are putting in so much effort and can’t figure out why you aren’t getting where you want to be. Check out these 11 reasons you might not be seeing results or losing weight.

We know how delicious almond butter is, and yes, it is healthy for you—but spoonful after spoonful is not! Regardless of the quality of the foods you are eating, portion size remains essential. One serving size of almond butter is two tablespoons, not two heaping scoops. This easily doubles or even triples your fat and calorie intake, and when that’s done with each food at every meal, you’ll end up overeating! Just because a food is considered healthy, it does not give you an excuse to eat too much of it. At the end of the day, a calorie is a calorie and consuming more calories than you expend could be the reason you are not seeing results and losing weight.


Beware of packaged foods with labels that say vegan , gluten-free , low-carb , low-calorie , low-fat , high-fiber , high-protein , keto-friendly , paleo-friendly , whole-grain , organic or natural . This does not automatically mean these foods are healthy. Many of these products are filled with processed ingredients and could be a reason you aren’t seeing results and losing weight. In most cases, protein pancakes, keto donuts, gluten-free pizza and vegan ice cream are not any healthier than the real deal. Always read the list of ingredients to determine whether the product is actually healthy before falling for its nutritional claims.

Not Losing Weight? Here's 5 Reasons Why

You work out hard and eat healthy during the week and deserve to treat yourself, right? So you allow yourself to loosen up on the weekends, unrestrict yourself and indulge in your favorite foods and drinks. Let’s say you start enjoying yourself Friday after work and indulge throughout the entire weekend—that ends up being roughly 35% of your diet. No matter how much you work out or how active you are during the week,

9. Water is really important for our body. It helps to burn those fats and detoxifying your liver and thus keep your body fresh, energetic and healthy! Always remember to drink at least 3 liters of water everyday and never ever feel burden to go to the toilet. Yes, you gonna go to the toilet almost 50% of your day. Hey, it is a good sign! Why need to store those toxins in your body??? Love yourself by drinking water.

10. Again, Love yourself. Find the reasons why you do this at first. Is it for to look good? to have skinny body? To show to the world? Your own satisfaction? or you want to be the healthiest person in the world? What ever it is, Do It For Yourself and trust me you will be more happy towards yourself and you gonna love your new you. If you ever feel down or want to give up, remember your determination. Get it right and put your strong willpower to the maximum!


I am also in a process of understanding myself and keeping it on track. I am still in a journey to be a better me and hopefully what I shared here is useful to other especially you. Let’s get through this journey together and support each other. We Can Do IT!

Why You're Not Losing Weight: The Real Reason

Throwback to the year 2020 of 6 days warded moments in UM Specialist Centre. When the doctors did not even have a single clue and thought it would be due to Endometriosis. 😌 Hotel review part 3! Room tour at Momo's KL! A minimalist hotel that you will love 💕 perfect for solo traveler. Below RM100. I managed to grab RM79 per night via the @airasiasuperapp ! #hotelreview #staycation #hotelinKL #minimalist Minimalist hotel review in KL part 2! Follow for part 3! Stay at @stayatmomos ! #hotelreview #staycation Minimalist hotel in KL! Hotel Review part 1. Follow for more! #hotelreview #staycation #hotelinKL Gulai Kelapa Ikan dia ni memang sedap! Aku siap tambah nasi. 😂 Ikan masak fresh. Boleh order Kepala Ikan, Ekor, atau Belly/Diamond. Harga semua ni termasuk air, RM53. Sambal Belacan dia mantap sedap habis. Ulam dia pun tak kedekut kira. Ambil je banyak-banyak. Nak masuk ke sini dari bandar memang ke dalam betul. Hampir 1 jam juga. Pening kepala.😂 Bila datang Penang tapi dah bosan dengan nasi Kandaq, hampa mai datang sini, pekena sekali. Ouufffff ~ 📌 Hussain Mee Goreng. Masak guna arang ya. Kata orang Pulau Pinang makan sini. 👀 ada isi sotong juga. Cuma maybe dari segi kebersihan tu boleh fikir 2-3 kali juga. 😂 Sebab dia masak laju dan nonstop. Ada je order masuk. #PenangTrip #PenangFoodie #JJCMYou’re working out regularly, eating healthy and still not seeing results or losing weight. Or maybe you were seeing amazing results and now you seem to be stuck at a standstill. Either way, you’re frustrated because you are putting in so much effort and can’t figure out why you aren’t getting where you want to be. Check out these 11 reasons you might not be seeing results or losing weight.

We know how delicious almond butter is, and yes, it is healthy for you—but spoonful after spoonful is not! Regardless of the quality of the foods you are eating, portion size remains essential. One serving size of almond butter is two tablespoons, not two heaping scoops. This easily doubles or even triples your fat and calorie intake, and when that’s done with each food at every meal, you’ll end up overeating! Just because a food is considered healthy, it does not give you an excuse to eat too much of it. At the end of the day, a calorie is a calorie and consuming more calories than you expend could be the reason you are not seeing results and losing weight.


Beware of packaged foods with labels that say vegan , gluten-free , low-carb , low-calorie , low-fat , high-fiber , high-protein , keto-friendly , paleo-friendly , whole-grain , organic or natural . This does not automatically mean these foods are healthy. Many of these products are filled with processed ingredients and could be a reason you aren’t seeing results and losing weight. In most cases, protein pancakes, keto donuts, gluten-free pizza and vegan ice cream are not any healthier than the real deal. Always read the list of ingredients to determine whether the product is actually healthy before falling for its nutritional claims.

Not Losing Weight? Here's 5 Reasons Why

You work out hard and eat healthy during the week and deserve to treat yourself, right? So you allow yourself to loosen up on the weekends, unrestrict yourself and indulge in your favorite foods and drinks. Let’s say you start enjoying yourself Friday after work and indulge throughout the entire weekend—that ends up being roughly 35% of your diet. No matter how much you work out or how active you are during the week,


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