How To Lose Weight Everywhere On Your Body

How To Lose Weight Everywhere On Your Body

Achieving change through diet and exercise takes time and effort, leaving those who desire a quick fix in search of a faster solution.

Targeted fat loss, also known as “spot reduction, ” is a type of exercise that many people turn to when trying to slim down specific areas of their bodies.


The theory of spot reduction has been promoted in the health and fitness world for some time. However, there is not much evidence to support it.

Is It Possible To Target Fat Loss To Specific Body Parts?

An example of spot reduction is exercising the triceps in order to get rid of excess fat on the back of the arms.

This theory of targeting specific body parts is popular, leading many people to focus only on troublesome areas, rather than exercising their entire body.

Burning fat using this method can be particularly appealing to those who have had a hard time losing weight in the past or failed to get the results that they wanted using other methods.

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There are countless reasons why people want to lose weight, including improving health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes (

Some people tend to carry excess weight proportionately, while others hold onto weight in specific areas like the butt, thighs or belly.

For instance, women have a higher percentage of body fat than men do and tend to store excess fat in the thighs and butt, especially during their childbearing years.

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Weight gain can be very frustrating and cause many people to look for easier alternatives than going on a diet or increasing their activity levels.

This method appeals to the belief that working the muscles in problem areas is the best way to burn the fat in that specific spot.

Although targeting fat loss in specific areas of the body would be ideal, the theory of spot reduction has not been proven effective by scientific studies.

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The fat in your cells is found in the form of triglycerides, which are stored fats that the body can use for energy.

Before they can be burned for energy, triglycerides must be broken down into smaller sections called free fatty acids and glycerol, which are able to enter the bloodstream.

During exercise, the free fatty acids and glycerol used as fuel can come from anywhere in the body, not specifically from the area that is being exercised.

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For example, one study in 24 people who only completed exercises targeting the abdominals for six weeks found no reduction in belly fat (

Another study that followed 40 overweight and obese women for 12 weeks found that resistance training of the abdominals had no effect on belly fat loss, compared to dietary intervention alone (

A study focusing on the effectiveness of upper body resistance training had similar results. This 12-week study included 104 participants who completed a training program that exercised only their non-dominant arms.

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Researchers found that although some fat loss did occur, it was generalized to the entire body, not the arm being exercised (7).

Several other studies have resulted in similar findings, concluding that spot reduction is not effective for burning fat in specific areas of the body (

Another recent study including 16 women found that localized resistance training followed by 30 minutes of cycling resulted in increased fat loss in specific areas of the body (

How To Lose Fat From Stubborn Areas (inner Thighs, Lower Belly, Hips, Back Of Arms)

Although findings from these studies warrant additional research, both had potential reasons for conflicting results, including measurement techniques and a small number of participants.


Despite these outlier studies, most scientific evidence shows that it is not possible to lose fat in one specific area by exercising that body part alone.

Summary Most scientific evidence shows that spot reduction is not effective and that fat loss tends to be generalized to the entire body, not the body part being exercised.

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Although spot fat reduction is most likely to be ineffective at burning fat in specific body parts, targeting troublesome areas by toning the underlying muscle can have beneficial results.

While you can’t necessarily choose where your body loses fat, you can choose where you want to look more toned and defined.

It’s true that muscles are strengthened and defined by toning exercises like abdominal moves and hamstring curls. However, these exercises don’t burn a ton of calories.

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For instance, doing lots of ab exercises will result in stronger stomach muscles, but you won’t see definition in that area unless you lose overall body weight.

Summary Though targeted toning exercises will strengthen and build muscles, in order to see definition, weight must be lost through calorie-burning workouts and a healthy diet.

Although spot reduction may not be the best use of your time, many evidenced-based methods can help you lose fat and tone your entire body.

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For example, high-intensity workouts and exercises that engage the entire body have been shown to be most effective at shedding pounds (

If you aren’t able to participate in the activities listed above, there are many other ways to effectively lose weight and tone up.


For example, low-impact exercises like swimming and walking have been shown to be extremely effective for weight loss and are easy to do (

Why Am I Losing Weight But Not Belly Fat?

Summary Adding high-intensity training and cardiovascular exercise to your routine will likely result in overall fat loss. However, simple exercises like brisk walking or swimming laps can also be effective.

While increasing overall activity and adding new exercises to your daily routine is important for weight loss and your overall health, following a healthy meal plan is key when trying to shed body fat.

Studies have shown that exercise alone is not effective for weight loss unless a conscious effort is made to control calorie intake and make healthy food choices (21,

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Following a healthy meal plan that includes lots of fiber, healthy fats and protein in controlled portions is a great way to slim down.

Furthermore, in order to lose weight, it’s important to create an overall calorie deficit. Eating healthy, minimally processed foods is the best way to do this.

Although overeating is most often associated with unhealthy foods like cookies, chips and ice cream, it is possible to eat too many healthy foods as well.

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Summary Following a healthy meal plan and creating a calorie deficit is crucial for weight loss. Limiting processed foods, eating more protein and fiber and practicing portion control are all evidence-based ways to lose weight.

Many people want a quick and easy way to lose fat, especially in troublesome areas like the hips, belly, arms and thighs.

Spot fat reduction has been shown to be ineffective in many studies. Luckily, there are other proven ways to lose body fat and keep it off.


Secrets To Lose Body Fat Everywhere — Eat This Not That

While resistance training may strengthen, build and tone muscle in a targeted area, a healthy diet and calorie-burning activities are necessary to burn fat and get a defined look.

Ultimately, focusing on working towards a healthier, more toned body overall may be more beneficial than attempting to lose fat in one particular area.Some people tend to lose weight almost immediately from their hips and thighs, while others see their belly fat just disappear. But the love handles prove to be problematic for almost everyone. This subcutaneous fat at the sides and back of your waist is aesthetically displeasing, but doesn't pose a significant health risk.

Stubborn love handles may be a result of a poor draw in the genetic lottery, but they may also stick around because of the WAY you've chosen to lose weight. Simply decreasing calories without consideration of food quality and adding exercise may cause numbers on the scale to drop, but can leave you with too much body fat — including at your love handles.

Losing Weight Everywhere But Your Tummy? Here's What You May Be Doing Wrong / Fitness

Often the first place you lose fat is the last place you gained it. If in the last few months you've noticed your stomach expand, this is the area where you'll see the most significant reduction in fat when you first start to diet. You also notice weight loss most in the places that store a great amount of fat, such as the butt, thighs, breasts and belly.

Love handles, on the other hand, are fairly small pockets of fatty tissue, so your body won't necessarily target these areas until later in your weight-loss journey. Sometimes, they're the last area of fat you shed.

Since you're losing weight already, you're on the right track. Eventually, your body will turn to love handle pockets of fat for energy. It just takes time, so continue following a calorie-controlled diet and getting regular exercise to promote weight loss.

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Also pay close attention to what you're eating. Restricting calories but making those you do eat come from refined carbs, sugars and saturated fats can cause your body to not get all the nutrients it needs, especially protein, to support lean tissue. As a result, you may be losing weight in the form of lean muscle, not fat, so your love handles stick around.

And, if you're not eating enough calories, it can also prompt your body to turn to lean tissue for fuel — rather than burn fat. Men should eat at least 1, 800 calories per day and women 1, 200 to get all the nutrients necessary.

To promote maximum fat loss, ensure your low-calorie plan contains plenty of lean protein in the form of white-meat

What Training Should I Do To Lose Weight? — Fit Print Orlando


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